What are the diseases you should be concerned about?

It is diabetes, if there is a health problem that we should all be very aware of, it is diabetes, millions of people are at risk of falling into this health problem, mainly because we do not exercise enough, we do not eat what we should, and sugar and carbohydrates are To the order of the day.

 Now I wonder how it is that diabetes is not going to be a problem if we are consuming garbage in a way that you will see in this text.

 Four things you should be doing every day so diabetes never touches you.


If you already have it, it won't hurt you, because diabetes is so dangerous and why is it that all doctors and health personnel tell us that we should take care of them? Well, on the one hand, diabetes exaggeratedly increases the risk of cardiovascular problems in the heart circulation that which is not taken care of ends up with circulatory problems of the heart or even of the kidneys, not to mention that diabetes also generates all kinds of problems in nerve damage or quality of life and much in a way that in the text we will reveal

 four things you should be doing every day

1 has to exercise physical activity.


It is something that the human body needs to be able to stabilize free from diabetes including the complications that this disease also brings and let's think about this for a moment because our body continues to adapt to harsh environments and physical stress for centuries of hundreds of years in other words the body has exercise as part of life to be able to function properly exercise increases our sensitivity to insulin in the cells we have and that means that we do not get diabetes and if we get sick we can stay healthy who does not exercise you are at risk of having this disease later simply because diabetes requires that the body be able to absorb sugar and when you exercise that does happen so if you want to avoid any problems with diabetes and you already have it or prevent this health condition from getting to you exercise every day just so you know there are inv stig adores that they have found that moderate intensity exercise increases insulin sensitivity by 51% and high intensity exercise by 85% or almost impossible to get diabetes the numbers say it all and exercise really already have you tried?


2 Lose weight if you are overweight

Sobre peso

You will be surprised to know that most patients who become diabetic are also the same ones who are overweight. If you remember what diabetes is about, you will remember that our body becomes resistant to sugar and carbohydrates, before getting sick because there are a lot of consumption of that same thing that happens, obviously because the body is already accumulating too much fat everywhere it can not tolerate more and that causes overweight storage and that later triggers insulin resistance an excess of fat and diabetes has a lot Beware of excess fat or inflammation and damaged resistance that you may have. Many times we think that no, it will not reach me, but it turns out that you are a little overweight and the body can no longer tolerate it. that varies from person to person there are people who are very overweight and do not get diabetes and people who usually say that with a little overweight and it does the disease be careful with obesity be sure to exercise as healthier and thus diabetes will not touch you.

3 Take care of your circulation and your nerves


Circulation and nerve function are two of the first things that are damaged in patients with pre-diabetes or diabetes, curiously, the person begins to feel tingling in the hands and feet, circulation does not reach the extremities, there is nerve damage, pain and many times you go to the doctor and the doctor tells you that everything is fine that there is no problem but it is almost impossible to detect when the nerve damage is starting now if you really want to check that the nerve damage is neuropathy that problem in the hands and feet coldness even in the feet or the hands in the arms in the legs etc. it does not reach you take care of diabetes exercise get a massage make sure that the circulation improves if you want to learn to understand how you can improve circulation in chinese take a look at this video right after this episode and treat your neuropathy treat nerve damage now it's starting or you need it ita because later on it becomes much more complicated to solve

4 Take curcumin and home remedies


That improve or prevent diabetes curcumin and other home remedies that you may know such as vinegar from apple cider cinnamon etc are very useful for diabetes prevention curcumin for example has strong anti-inflammatory properties and is also used in india for countless diseases and health conditions now there is new research that has also shown that it can be very effective against arthritis which I also see every day it reduces inflammatory markers in people with prediabetes or other medical conditions it helps a lot there is also impressive evidence that curcumin can help decrease insulin resistance reduce the risk of the progression of diabetes from the damage it can cause, so use the home remedies you have at home, use plenty of ginger, ginger water, cinnamon, you can use turmeric, use 95% curcumin extract to improve the effect and absorption in the body.